Sunday, June 28, 2009

Weekend remainders - the meaning of "cooze"

Today's theme is, "Things I never knew..."

I had no idea Rhode Island's full name is The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

I also learned the word "cooze." Candice Bergen (Murphy Brown) used it to describe John Edwards' mistress. Meanwhile, an Iowa Edwards supporter reflects on what it is like to support a politician who lets you down. He then gives a summary of philandering politicians. It was written almost a week before "hiking the Appalachian trails" took on new meaning. (Correction, the writer was not an Edwards supporter at the time of the caucus.)

Speaking Mr. Morals, he said he is using the Bible as justification for staying in office. I had to look up the Biblical reference. King David fell in love the Bathsheba. He ordered her husband to be abandoned in battle, thus killed by enemies. He then took Batsheba for his wife.

Is that really the story you want to use, governor?

And finally, I learned that not every American knows Carole Burnett or Alan Alda...

The other night I was having dinner with a friend in her mid-30's who grew up in the US. We were discussing the recent passing of Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. During the discussion of childhood memories I mentioned a clip of Alan Alda and Carole Burnett that I've watched several times in the past week. She gave a puzzled look. "I've never heard of her. Was he the guy in M*A*S*H?"

The clip starts slow but is very funny. The setup: 3 couples vacation together all the time. One dumped his wife and brought the new girlfriend on the boat. It’s probably not a good idea to watch this at work… although it will bring your neighbors to your cubicle.

Update: One of John Edwards' top aides says there's a sex tape of John and his mistress and they even talked about what music would be played at their wedding... after Elizabeth dies, of course.



  1. AARRGGHHH! Just when I think I'm dealing better with the whole Edwards thing - it comes back and PULLS ME BACK IN!

    I thought the person who wrote the article on Edwards letting people down was just spot on. I am personally disgusted with myself for having ever supported him and now thankful that I at least didn't donate to his campaign.

    Is Elizabeth still with him? I really, really hope not. Although maybe she is just staying in the marriage but it is a sham. Ugh - I can't remember ever going from liking someone so much to despising him so much in my whole life. And I only shook his hand one time - so didn't exactly even know him!

  2. Thanks for the link love... but one correction: I was an Obama guy at caucus time.

  3. Thanks for the correction. I'm sure you are very happy about that, especially now!

  4. I am sure I am one of very few who does not hate John Edwards. My personal feeling is that what one does in their private life is not any of my business. As long as it isn't illegal and doesn't interfere with his employment, I will not and am in no position to judge. Frankly, if his wife can forgive him - which she seemingly has tho I am sure she has not forgotten nor will she - so can I. Do I like or approve of what he did - NO! But I, for one, feel the public has done themselves a terrible disservice by condemning him and, thus, depriving Obama of the best possible choice for the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Just remember one thing. All those Hilary Clinton supporters were more than willing to see Bill Clinton back in the White House. How many of them were quick to judge John Edwards?

  5. I also believe that his personal business is his personal business - but if it will interfere in his being a good president (which obviously it did with Clinton when the Lewinsky affair came out) then it becomes the country's problem.

    Also, he ran for president knowing he had done this - knowing the child could be his and knowing this could all come out. Regardless of whether it is right or wrong for a politician's personal life to be so open to judgment - the fact of the matter is that in our society people DO judge them for how they behave personally. If Edwards had become the nominee, this most definitely would have come out. The Republicans had this information and I'm guessing were just waiting on it to see if he got the nomination. If he had, this would have come out and Edwards' career would have been over - along with the Democrats' shot at having a President and I'm guessing they would not have won near as many seats - maybe even would have lost some. So, it would have greatly affected our country

    Also, it does speak to one's character when you cheat on your wife, who may be slowly dying but is still very much alive and kicking. Obviously, I'm not in favor of anyone cheating, but this makes it so much worse. Not to mention that most everyone loves Elizabeth. I don't get the impression that she has totally forgiven him - but maybe I'm wrong. She's close to the end of her life (at least the last few years, from what I understand) and perhaps she needs to make peace with things.

    For me, it is just hard to trust what he is saying given how sincere he was in the campaign and how sincere he seemed about Elizabeth and told people he did not have an affair. If he is that smooth about lying, you have to wonder what else he is lying about. When his whole persona is wrapped up in how sincere he seems - then when that sincerity is questioned on this deep of a level, it breaks apart the whole persona.

    To me, I thought Clinton was having an affair - even when he lied about it. I was not happy about it and it did set our country back. However, the alternative (Dole) was much worse to me, so I did vote for Clinton. In this case, if it had come out and Edwards had the nomination - I couldn't have voted for McCain, but I might have not voted for the first time in my life. I wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

    I thought the article that Steve posted explained very well why it is different with Edwards. I was very upset with Bill as well when everything started coming out. I do think most people figured that Bill and Hillary's marriage was never really based on true, romantic love - but most thought John and Elizabeth's was. And cheating on someone who you have supposedly loved your whole love the second you find out that she is dying? And planning a wedding for after she dies? I would be disgusted by anyone who did that. If a friend of mine did that - I would not want to be friends with them any more - and certainly wouldn't want that person to be running our country.

    But, I'm a naive idealist when it comes to this, I guess...

  6. Two thoughts:
    1. Sandy, I hate it when you are vague and brief. Tell us what you really think. :)
    2. I agree completely. He jeopardized the presidency because if he had become the nominee it would have come out and we'd have a McCain presidency now.

    Should it matter than the Clinton affair? I think so. A guy who cheats on his dying wife is simply despicable, and not someone I'd like to see as president.

    As a good Dem I've criticized Newt for years for his affair while his wife was dying, no reason to change that opinion when a Democrat is doing it.

  7. Steve and SM have made valid points. I DID say I do not approve of what he did, and I admit to being surprised at how gracious Elizabeth has been (tho I have not read her book). Perhaps it is her knowledge that her time with us isn't that great, and her children will need a father.

    That said, I doubt seriously that Edwards would have gained the nomination, as I suspect the shit would have hit the fan before anyone would have allowed that to happen. At the same time, Elizabeth knew about the affair and yet SHE never said a word and allowed his campaign to continue (perhaps knowing full well the truth would be spilled by others).

    I would not have voted for Edwards for president had he become the candidate, but I didn't feel he stood a chance against Barack or Hilary. But I DO think he would have made a fantastic HUD Secretary. That said, I would NOT have been comfortable with Billy Boy back in the White House (tho I did not judge his actions when he got caught with his pants down). Had Hilary been the nominee and been elected, I would have had to worry about what she was going to do while, at the same time, worrying about who HE was doing!!!
