Monday, June 1, 2009

A good day of testing

You know it's a good test when the shabob (what the young men call themselves) have a look of desperation that slowly becomes one of resignation. My tests went well early in the term... out smarted them on the first quiz and mid-term but I got lazy for the second quiz. I thought they had learned a lesson and thought I could get away with only two version of the quiz. Instead, it is I who learned a lesson as they still found a way to cheat.

Meanwhile, the good students take the test and leave with a look of satisfaction that the idiot sitting next to them will not get the same grade. On the cheatable tests the good students are obligated to stay... and stay. Stay long enough so that everyone in the room has enough time to copy the right answers.

I know most of my good students in the US would say, "Screw 'em! I'd be the first one out the door!" That's just not the way it works here. It's like an unwritten commandment, "Thou shall help your neighbor cheat."

Umm, did I just mix religions there?

1 comment:

  1. Steve, I do miss your classes... and I'm with Karey... I would have said screw off.

    (and group projects suck).
