Monday, June 29, 2009

Billy Mays (1958 – 2009)

As an insomniac I have seen more Billy Mays infomercials than I care to admit.  I even bought the “quick chop” above (worthless).  I love his ability to project yell every single word.

I showed this commercial to my Marketing class today.  The girls’ eyes got wide.  I was surprised by the response.  Afterwards I learned the reason:  They’ve never seen anyone ever talk like that. 

RIP, Billy, you’ve earned it.  I also wonder if Heaven and Hell are fighting over who has to take him.  Would you want someone who talks like this around for all eternity?

1 comment:

  1. I will think of him every time I scoop OxyClean into my washing machine. Vince now has the market on the new and improved Slap Chop, by the way.
