Thursday, June 11, 2009

Republicans: Just not getting it

In the same week Obama proves he understands pop culture by ordering the top US general in Iraq to shave Stephen Colbert's head, Sarah Palin proves she is just clueless.

I am a 30 year fan of David Letterman. I watched his morning show before he switched to late night when I was in seventh grade. I don't think I missed a single Monday - Thursday episode through my senior year of HS. (Friday Night Videos aired on NBC for those of us without MTV. I know many readers of my era now suddenly feel old as we remember gathering around the TV's on a Friday night for the latest Prince video.)

This is Letterman at his best explaining - in his self-deprecating manner - what he does.

The Palin's are frickin' clueless.  Here’s her response via Fox News:

Sarah Palin responded Thursday morning to Dave's invitation to appear on his show in a statement to ""The Palins have no intention of providing a rating's boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show," the statement read. "Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman."


  1. "Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman."

    What exactly is she implying with this?

    As for Letterman, I'm firmly in the Cone Zone, so I didn't catch any of this.

  2. She's implying that Dave is a threat to her child. AMAZING! The woman lets her 16 year old's boyfriend live with them for 3 months and she's feigning a threat to her child from Letterman.

    And the "I won't give a ratings boost to Letterman." That's really arrogant but accurate. She does attract ratings. The same way car crashes attract attention.
