Thursday, June 4, 2009

Education gap

Colleges are becoming more and more dominated by women. I've seen graphs like this before... but it doesn't answer a basic question: Is the number of men really dropping a lot or has the number of women exploded since the early 1970's? I'm pretty sure it is the latter.

I've discussed this in Political Economy class since 2003: As women earning degrees continues to eclipse the number of men getting degrees, will the persistent wage gap continue? In other words, women make less than men. The range is $.75 for every dollar a man makes to the low eighties depending on how it is measured. Will this change once the workforce is dominated by female college graduates?

I hope I'm wrong but I'm betting no. Men will learn new ways to screw women.


  1. When I got out of college I got a carpentry job, and Jennie got an office job at similar pay. There was a study at about that time which basically extrapolated that to our whole demographic. I am pretty sure that for folks in the 25-30 bracket the income gap favors women. Part of this is education, and part of it is that there are more low wage jobs that are still deemed manly, and they don't have strong prospects for income growth.

  2. I have not seen data that shows today's 25-30 year olds. I hope you're right. If more women are getting a better education it would make sense that they'd be earning more... but I won't believe it until I see some reliable data. Why? Sexism still exists, women are less likely to major in the higher paying college degrees, and many women with college degrees exit the workforce to raise children.
