Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The garage sale furnished living room.

I'm not a fan of garage sales in the US. Most of the items are junk and there's something depressing about them. Here people come and go so much that one can buy quality furniture at bargain prices.

Everything but the Buddha eyes and the curtains came from garage sales.

The Coke refrigerator has been recharged and there's two cases of Coke Zero in there now. The guys will eventually fix the light and clean the rusty shelves. I can't imagine what makes an apartment more complete than having your very own Coke refrigerator.

You may notice that the "eternal light" in the top center of the picture is off. That's not because it is fixed. I switched off the fuse that powers the light. They actually called on Monday with an offer to come fix it. I was proctoring finals and couldn't leave.

On the right side of the picture is a stack of newspapers. During Obama's middle east visit I bought all the newspapers I could to see how it was being covered here. I meant to do a post about it. To summarize, it could not have been received better.


  1. Your place looks fantastic, Steve. Congrats... and nice fridge! I'm really glad you got it working.

  2. I,too, am pleasantly surprised and pleased with your neat apartment. It looks great.

  3. Like I wrote, Adrienne, I can't imagine a cooler apartment than one with a working Coke fridge! Thanks!

  4. If I jinx you, I'll feel bad, but your luck is turning around!
