Thursday, June 4, 2009


That's one more Arabic phrase I've learned. It means, "God willing."

What I've learned it really means is "No chance in hell." While growing up Mom didn't like to say "No" so she'd say "we'll see" instead. I wasn't very old before I realized "we'll see" was no more than a polite way to get me to stop asking.

Here I've learned that one says "enshala" the real meaning is that "only if God creates a miracle will whatever I've just said really happen."

The phrase also represents a way of life. Nobody here wears seat belts. If God intends for them to die, they'll die. If God intends for them to live, they'll live. There's no point in wearing seat belts.

1 comment:

  1. Don't blame poor Mom. Every mother has to shut up a persistent kid with some phrase. Right?
