Thursday, June 25, 2009

Obama is the reason Sanford had an affair

You gotta love Rush. The man never disappoints:

"This is almost like, 'I don't give a damn, the country's going to Hell in a handbasket, I just want out of here.' He had just tried to fight the stimulus money coming to South Carolina. He didn't want any part of it. He lost the battle. He said, 'What the Hell. I mean, I'm -- the federal government's taking over -- what the Hell, I want to enjoy life.'"

And then:
"The point is, there are a lot of people whose spirit is just -- they're fed up, saying to Hell with it, I don't even want to fight this anymore, I just want to get away from it."
And then:
"There are a lot of people that are looking at life and they are saying 'screw it.'
They are saying 'screw it'... before Obama takes away their money... before Obama takes away their house... or the economy takes away their house there are people who are saying 'to Hell with this'. They have tuned out. 'To Hell with it. I'm just going to try to enjoy this as much as I can.'"


  1. I just don't see "Obama made me do it" as a valid excuse at the Pearly Gates. Maybe you have to mix it in with that whole "and they let gays get married in Iowa" excuse too.

  2. This is an example why this ultra-conservative libertarian doesn't listen to that big blow-hard. He blasts the dems when they can't keep their pants on, and makes excuses for the republicans when they can't.

  3. How successful would the approach of ignoring Rush comments by Democrats be?!

  4. Actually Robby, I think airing the completely idiotic things he says does well for Democrats. Because when people actually hear what he is really saying - they realize how much off the deep end he has gone - and how he has taken a lot of the Republican party with him.

    Seriously, if he keeps talking like this, along with other Republicans - the Democrats will stay in power for a very long time.
