Friday, April 3, 2009

An early sign of a spine?

Iowa House Speaker Pat Murphy and Senate Leader Gronstal issued this joint statement:
The court has ruled today that when two Iowans promise to share their lives together, state law will respect that commitment, regardless of whether the couple is gay or straight.

When all is said and done, we believe the only lasting question about today’s events will be why it took us so long. It is a tough question to answer because treating everyone fairly is really a matter of Iowa common sense and Iowa common decency.

Today, the Iowa Supreme Court has reaffirmed those Iowa values by ruling that gay and lesbian Iowans have all the same rights and responsibilities of citizenship as any other Iowan,” the statement added. “Today, we congratulate the thousands of Iowans who now can express their love for each other and have it recognized by our laws.
I so want to believe that they will be able to hold off the forces of darkness. It will take allies like you, enlightened blog readers, to make a difference on this issue. I *know* my Republican friends who read this blog are with me on this issue.

Will you please call your representative?

And to my fellow Democrats: Our side is going to carry A LOT of water here. They need to know you support them.


  1. Well as a Minnesotan, I'm not sure what exactly I can do. If it happens that they do try to propose an amendment, I will be happy to call and even come down to rallies. But, I don't have as much pull since I'm not an Iowan any more.

    But I do have to say that I am more than proud of Iowa and Iowa Democrats today!
