Saturday, April 18, 2009

Christmas in April

You are looking at the two proud owners of a Coke refrigerator.

Adrienne found the blog from my FaceBook account. She read my sad tale of wanting this as much as the Apple II (that I didn't get). I was greeted with a sign of "Merry Christmas Steve!"

In other words, she gave me the refrigerator.

She also said something along the lines of "Tell Travis he can bite me..." But I really don't remember for sure. I was too excited.

Update: Yes, those are Coke flip-flops I'm wearing with my Coke shirt. I'd have also been wearing Coke shorts but I was headed to Sharjah (to pick Ann & Mike) and they are too conservative there for shorts.


  1. Congrats! I'm really happy for you. What a cool story.

  2. I am truly happy for you Steve. Glad you were able to get this. I cannot imagine how much you are going to have to pay to get it back to the States - but, considering you got the fridge for free, it will be worth it I'm sure! That was an amazing story and the owner sounds like such a nice person!

    I thought you would have a bigger smile on your face though!

  3. That's an awesome story. The former lady is one class act.

  4. Ouch! That stung a little. :)
