Sunday, April 19, 2009

More like Simpsons than Seinfeld

You probably don't remember this: Fox moved Simpsons to Thursday night to take on the super popular Cosby Show. Cos won the fight but ended the series and Simpsons switched back to Sundays.

On the Simpsons show that aired opposite the Cosby finale Bart asked Homer, "Would we ever quit a successful show?"

"No son," Homer replied, "After we run every joke into the ground we'll still be around for 20 years."

And so they have.

I'm much more like the Simpsons: I crested early and now have to find new ways to be creative!

1 comment:

  1. Steve, Thank you for being more like the Simpsons... I appreciate the effort you put into this blog and it has become part of my daily routine.
