Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Uplifting music: Blue Does

The latest entry is a new song from a relatively new Dad.

As a wedding photographer I can only hope this song replaces “Butterfly Kisses” as the father-daughter dance.

Seriously. “Kisses” is way too long (2 minutes longer than the one above). Besides being so sweet I feel like a diabetic going into shock when I hear it - the father and daughter usually give up dancing after five minutes and stand and talk to each other while waiting for the song to end.

Just how much do I hate “Butterfly Kisses”? Enough that I’ve contemplated putting in the contract. Right below “Photographer will be provided a meal at the reception” (which, sadly, is not a given) would be a “Butterfly Kisses will not be the father-daughter dance.”


  1. Well that's a good song. I haven't heard Butterfly Kisses in a long time. But I know that I really related to it for my dad/daughter relationship. It came out after our wedding, so we didn't use it. But I did like it at the time it came out - but I can't listen to it without crying, so I usually turn it off when it comes on the radio unless I'm looking for a good cry. Sorry, I'm a sentimental schmuck in that regard, I guess.

    I'm pretty sure our photographer was offered to be able to eat at our wedding. But he bugged out before the father-daughter dance (I was SO mad!) and we have no professional pictures of that - just some random shots taken by those disposable cameras we had out. Our wedding meal was really very inexpensive - but I have been to some (and this was several years ago) that were $60 a plate or more. So perhaps they don't want to "overpay" a photographer by that amount. Of course, they should think about that before they have a $60 a plate wedding anyway! I think most people just don't think about that issue. Is it common practice to ask people if you are allowed to eat as a photographer, videographer or DJ?

  2. I've had a wedding where I was not fed. Once I volunteered to photography for a high priced fundraiser. Volunteered - as in gave up my night to take pictures of the elite of Cedar Rapids - and I had the joy of standing around for an hour while the guests ate.

  3. Oh, I agree and by the time I heard it a second time I hated it, too. But I Butterfly Kisses brings nausea. After nearly six minutes of a nauseas song and I'm close to throwing up.
    At least this one is shorter.

  4. Butterfly kisses makes me want to puke. That and the thought of George giving me butterfly kisses makes me a little uncomfortable.
