Friday, April 17, 2009

Tea parties

Remember all the people at McCain rallies yelling things like, "Obama is a terrorist!"?

Well, those people were frustrated that McCain did not hit Obama harder. The tea party is their first chance to express their outrage.
Kid, if your parents are paying higher taxes they are making so much money they could give you the trip to Disney World. Perhaps they just don't love you.

Another comparing Obama to Hitler. Wow. I wonder if these people will ever realize they hurt their cause more than they help it.

Thanks for the AKA Hussein. I wouldn't have known who you were talking about.

Something tells me this guy probably doesn't like gay marriage either.

Yes, increasing the tax rate for the richest Americans by 3.6% is equal to killing 6 million Jews.


  1. Tea Bag them all!!! LOL. Are you bored or what?

  2. That is just plain offensive. Comparing Obama to Hitler? Shameful.

    And yes, Steve, you're probably right: the parents really don't love that little bastard or they'd be taking him to Disney.
