Thursday, November 26, 2009

What I'm thankful for...

I know all the things I'm supposed to write about being thankful for... friends & family still alive, the troops keeping us safe, the great country we were incredibly lucky to be born in, and, of course, Google... without which, life would have no meaning.

Instead I'm focusing today on being thankful that Gus has a loving home. These pics were sent to me this week from my parents.


  1. These pictures don't do justice to the cuteness of the dog. He has a loving home cuz we love him so much. We do keep reminding him that his daddy is coming home in June. Love, Mom

  2. Awww. I haven't been to Grandma and Grandpa's farm for a while. Is that little garden in the front yard?

  3. It's out the back door... by the well. I meant to take pictures of the farm this summer, but like everything else during the trip, it just didn't happen.
