Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A nice dog treated as a zoo animal

It occurred to me as I saw this sad, malnourished animal that it's the first dog I've seen since I returned here in August. Imagine not seeing a dog in 3 months.

And I wish I hadn't seen this one. He was nice and gentle and showing all the signs of a dog who has been abused. Dogs are not loved here and this one lives only because he is a hunting breed (the name of the breed escapes me, but an American friend said it's related to Greyhounds). While they are supposed to be slim this dog is clearly underfed.

He was treated like a freak show with some just extending a finger to poke him to see a reaction. Some would be a little more kind and use two fingers to pet his forehead.

This was very tough for me.

I spent most of the day on the women's campus as they held events for the National Day (the Emirates Independence Day). The actual holiday isn't until next week but since everyone will be on vacation they decided to celebrate early. The picture above was the negative part of the event. I'll get the rest of them up next week. I thought I'd get the negative out of the way tonight.


  1. It sort of looks like an Afghan Hound thats been shaved. Sad...

  2. Kinda looks like a Saluki.

  3. Do people have pets, and if so, what kind of pet is most common?

  4. I'll ask more students to get a more representative sample, but from I've been told until now the answer is not many.

    They see our lack of spending hours and hours a week with extended family as strange and I see their lack of love of pets as strange.
