Sunday, November 22, 2009

From the classroom

I am teaching inventory management right now. (I know, exciting topic.) And here's part of today's lecture:
When I arrived in this country I had a hard time finding a shampoo I liked. Most are way too scented. After trying several I finally found one that had a little coconut scent and I liked it.
Now - obviously - I don't need much shampoo. Even though I wash my hair every day one bottle lasted me six months. When I went to buy more I saw that the shampoo I like was sold out. For the past two weeks I've been using tiny, tiny portions hoping not to run out. On Saturday I had no choice... my shampoo bottle was empty. When I went to Carrefoure... SURPRISE! Not only did they have my shampoo but they had an entire display of it.

One bottle lasts me six months. Given that I don't know when I'll ever be able to buy it again I bought 3 sets of bottles. I now have enough shampoo to last me 2 years.
I explained to my students that the product "there one day, gone the next" is not common in the US (except when shopping at Sam's Club).


  1. OK, I know my brand loyalty is just a bit extreme, but don't most people use the same shampoo, soap, razor, etc.?

  2. I always use the same brand of shampoo, soap, etc. It's a pretty big deal for me to switch brands. I feel "less clean" when I have to use a different shampoo than I'm used to while visiting a friend.

  3. Me too! Only Dial soap really gets me clean!
