Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lessons from the 2009 election

Of course I would have preferred to see Democrats win a governorship or two yesterday, but I'm not losing sleep over it. In 2001 Democrats won both governorships and the following year Republicans picked up seats in both the House and the Senate.

From reading around the net the lesson Republicans take from this is to nominate the most conservative candidate possible... and to never trust those RINO's (Republican In Name Only).

They see it as returning to their Reagan roots. More power to them.

After taking out Scozzafava in NY-23, look for them to take out Charlie Crist. Crist is the current very popular governor of Florida who is running for the senate next year. His problem? He's a governor that appreciated getting federal money in the stimulus package. To show his appreciation he hugged Obama and the right will never forgive him.

I hope the lesson my side learns is that when we're in power we have to deliver or we will lose. Election 2010 will be reminiscent of 1994 if we fail to pass a healthcare bill. There's only so many times an electorate will give a party a chance to get something done. The Democratic majority in the Senate at 60-40 is too large to be completely lost in one election, but the House? Who knows? If "change we can believe in" only delivers a few gay ambassadors and more troops in Afghanistan than my side will deserve to lose.

I'm betting it won't happen, but the glacial speed at which the Obama administration moves is not encouraging.


  1. I was a little worried to hit your site and read the gloating over NY, but you always keep it fair and balanced. One reason I'll always have much respect for you.


  2. I appreciate the comment but if we had somehow pulled out a win the governorships I probably would have been gloating!

    In reality the only thing my party had going for it on election night was that your party had formed a circular firing squad. That's not the way I like to win.

    But it is fun to watch.
