Monday, November 9, 2009

It can only happen to me

I am proud that I've lived near a Cinnabon for 15 months and resisted their cinnamony, chocolatey greatness. Today I greatly needed a sugar high and caved.

It's a very long story that I hope to succinctly summarize: Two weeks ago I bought the new IPhone. It's been a royal pain. The data plan (read: Internet) has not worked since the day I bought it. Today I spent another 2 hours in the du office and the tech guy spent 45 minutes on the phone with the main office. The problem has been identified and will, maybe someday soon, be fixed.

Why couldn't they figure it out sooner? Because the problem I had was one that nobody in the country has had before.

"That," I said, "is the story of my life."


  1. I can honestly say I have never had a Cinnabon, but the smell is overwhelmingly delicious in the malls! Even better than they smell?

  2. How have you been able to avoid them? I know my first was way over a decade ago at the Mall of America. The scent led me like a pied piper to their counter. I'm pretty sure I inhaled my first one and had sticky fingers and face by the time I polished off the third one!

  3. Miriam, I have never had one either. They smell too cloyingly sweet for my taste.

  4. Okay, how do they rank next to a fresh, still warm out of the oven Krispy Creme donut?
