Monday, November 16, 2009

Dealing with Du - a customer service saga

I know, many of you thought my printing my Du problems on a large piece of paper seemed lame... and it was. The problem is that customers have no power here. I can't force Du to take my phone back. Short of stomping my feet and turning my face red there's really nothing I can do to Du.

But the paper did cause some action. I spent over an hour on the phone yesterday with them and was told again and again that they were working on my problem and it would be fixed very soon.

Today is the 21st day since I bought the phone and I went back to the store.

The store employs customer service reps and I've come to know them all. I'm pretty sure they wish they had never met me.

CSR: I see the problem has escalated to the right technical team. It should be fixed within a day or two.
Me: Do you have any idea how many times I've heard that in the past 21 days?
CSR: At least ten times.
Me: Ten times here and as many times on phone assistance.
CSR: There's nothing more I can do.
Me: Yes, there is. You can give me a data card. Give me 200 MB of data to tide me over until you fix this.

He spoke with a colleague for a few minutes. I remained standing at the counter. He then started helping other customers. I decided to remain standing there. After ten minutes of him avoiding eye contact he reached in the drawer and gave me a data card.

What's so odd is that this was the easy solution three weeks ago!

Favorite moment of the ordeal so far: While speaking with a CSR on the phone I asked to speak to a manager. She put me on hold and came back to say that all the managers were in a meeting. I said, "Really? Not a single manager available? OK, I'll wait. I have nothing to do for several hours so you can put me on hold and I'll wait for a manager."

"One minute, sir..."

Two minutes later a "manager" came on the phone... who was also no help...

It takes living in this country to appreciate customer service in the US.


  1. What you write about customer service in this country is so true. Luckily for me I, as a female, have a very potent weapon that I can use, and have used, when situations have gotten too untenable ... a bucketful of tears. This is my favorite, especially in dealing with the banks. Once I turn on the waterworks, it's amazing how fast they come to life and actually start moving and doing something to assist me! :)

  2. I'd be jealous, but there are enough other problems for females in this country that I'm happy y'all have *that* advantage!

    I can't believe how close I've come to crying while at Du. It's the same as dealing with housing last year. I know I am absolutely powerless and that kills me.

    Hmmm... Maybe I should cry. It would be fascinating to see the reaction.
