Sunday, November 1, 2009

There's a disturbance in The Force

For the past month I've had a growing sense of dread. Something is very wrong. The feeling has been completely inexplicable: Work-wise I have an incredibly easy teaching load, my social life is pretty much non-existant but I'm well used to that, and financially I'm putting dirt back in the hole I've dug. All-in-all, life is as good as it gets for me.

Last week the feeling reached a level near a panic attack. I contacted family and some friends I hadn't heard from in a long time. All well. One asked if I was developing Spidey sense. If I had to use a movie comparison it would be The Force. Remember how Obi-wan felt when Alderaan was blown up? That's how I've felt for a month.

I have no idea what is causing it.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes when things are going well and there's no problems of any major sort in our lives, we tend to get distrustful of that situation and feel we don't deserve for things to go so well -- that happens with me, Steve. There will always be trials that come up in life, those never end, but life is cyclical, and right now you're in the calm and serene part of the cycle. So just enjoy it, and don't worry about what will come -- deal with that only when it comes.
