Saturday, February 14, 2009

The story we're not reading here

The New York Times reports that the economy in Dubai is faring very poorly.

Dubai is about 90 miles north of where I live and is in a different emirate.  (I live in the Abu Dhabi emirate.)  The article claims that Dubai has virtually no oil which is not we hear here... and that Abu Dhabi (with the oil) is letting Dubai twist in the wind.  

If you read the article you'll understand why I say that I think the economy is great.  It's wonderful.  No problems at all.  Anyone saying otherwise is itching for a fight.

And, of course, I like turtles.


  1. Hmmm... Don't be buying any property anytime soon buddy!

  2. Or, if you have the ready cash - now might actually be a good time to buy (or even wait a few months). Just kidding...
