Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama's economic address

I was impressed. A President who talks to the nation as though we are adults. It was optimistic without sugarcoating the enormous problems we face.

Illinois' senior senator Dick Durbin was asked during the primary season how he felt about this "upstart" Obama. (I tried to find the original link, sorry.)

Question: Don't you ever feel jealous? Here's this new guy everyone is fawning over and you've been in the senate a long time.
Durbin: No. It's like playing on a major league team and we've just recruited the best player. Now we have a chance to win the pennant.

I was a Hillary supporter early on. I hesitantly switched to Obama a month before the Iowa caucuses. As I watched that speech I thought, "Hillary could not have done this... not even Bill."

Now if his economic policies can follow the rhetoric we may just avoid living through our grandparents' experience.

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