Saturday, February 7, 2009

And their always glad you came!

It's not Cheers but it's close.
I stopped at my favorite fast food joint on my first day back. There were three women behind the counter. Two of the them were elated to see me:
"Hello sir! Welcome back!"
"Where have you been?"
I explained my absence and they quickly told the trainee that I always get a mushroom and swiss or a big roastbeef with upsize fries and water instead of Pepsi.

I sat waiting for my meal to go and one of the lady's brought it to me and escorted me to the door and opened it for me.

All 100% true; I couldn't make this up.


  1. Water instead of Pepsi? Probably not on a diet since you're at a Hardees/KFC. So, is it just the Coca-Cola loyalty oath making this happen?

  2. Pepsi tastes the same here as in America, which is to say it sucks.
