Thursday, February 26, 2009

Men's campus

My office is on the men's campus.  It's old and showing signs of age.  They are building a completely new campus but until it opens this is home.  Shortly after I arrived I heard this place called Guantanamo.  Compared to the modern Business and Econ building on the women's campus this place is rustic... but I've come to like it.
This is the view from my office window.  It is common to put up permanent shading, like the structure above the benches.  Giving the sun's ability to fry an ant it's a good thing.

Likewise, the walkways from building to building are covered.  

Another example of a covered walkway.  This reminds me of the Men In Black.  (A great movie that starred a talking pug whose advice saved the universe.)

This is the view from the roof of the building I teach in.  Al Ain, sounding like a broken record, is unbelievably green.  There are no tall buildings and that is by design.  The founder of the country was born in this city and he didn't want tall buildings to clutter the skyline.


  1. All the green and the flowers makes me wonder how there is enough water available.

  2. There isn't. They run pipelines from other Emirates.
