Friday, February 20, 2009

A pug's love

For the record, I oppose all public displays of affection... but this is my blog and you chose to come to it...

I was nervous to see Gus when I returned home.  Would he remember me?  Would he be happy to see me?  Yes and yes.  Gus sat on my lap from Moline to Cedar Rapids.  He was licking me pretty much the entire way.  For the next week he wouldn't let me out of his sight, even when we were out at Mom and Dad's (his home for the past five months).  

He went about a week without seeing either Mom or Dad while I was back.  When he did see them he was as excited as he was to see me at the airport.

1 comment:

  1. Had to check out your pug. Loved the picture of you and Gus. Imagine the world if everyone had the same temperament as as our beloved pugs.
