Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama's economic address

Excellent. Finally, a president who addresses the nation as adults. He provided optimism without sugarcoating the problems. During the primaries I remember a satirical interview with Dick Durbin, the senior senator from Illinois. (No link, I couldn't find it.)

Question: Don't you ever resent Obama? He's the new upstart, flash-in-the-pan while you've been doing this work for 20 years.
Durbin: (laughing) No, not at all. It's more like I play on a major league team and we just recruited the best player. Now we have a chance to win the pennant.

I was a Hillary supporter early on. I didn't switch to Obama until a month or so before the Iowa caucus. As I watched the speech I thought, "Hillary could not have given this speech... even Bill."

If only his team could live up to the promise of Obama we might just avoid living through what our grandparents did.


  1. Anyone else feel you have read this before? Word for word even.

  2. Not quite. You are not playing the game!

    I'm actually happy that I like the second post better than the first post. So often I write the second post and think, "I said it better the first time."

  3. Hmmm... I like the second post better too Steve. It would be cheating, but couldn't you just delete the old post?!

  4. When this happens - and it happens a lot - I usually do delete one post. I left it this time to show that it happens.
