Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gift from a former student

One of my former students tracked me down to give me this book.  It's the first I've been given here.  Receiving religious books is not new, however.  For some reason many of my students in the US also felt compelled to give me religious (Christian) literature.  They didn't give it to all of their professors, usually just me.  I'm not sure how to take that.

Hmm...  At least someone is trying to keep me from going to hell.


  1. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I have been given several bibles and religious books in my career as well. I usually take it that they are trying to show me a different perspective and educate me about their beliefs. However, I know some of it has been trying to convert me. I have been known on occasion to profess doubt and opposition to some tenets of the Catholic faith (maybe more than just a little!) and so perhaps I am seen as someone they could convert? Or my liberal viewpoints are such that I am doomed to go to hell and they are trying to save me - not sure. I think it varies by the person who is giving it...

  2. I hope you read it. If you haven't read anything on Islam before, I would think it would give you a wealth of insight into their mindset.
