Sunday, October 19, 2008

"I like turtles"

I think I've found a new catch phrase. Berkeley Breathed (cartoonist for Bloom County and Opus) was interviewed by Salon. Responding to a question he didn't want to answer he says:

"I like turtles. Maybe you saw the YouTube of the kid at Halloween saying precisely that to the TV reporter when she asked what he thought of being made up as a zombie. It's a perfect dodge from unpleasant candor."

How can *I* use it?

So Steve, how do you deal with your male students who won't stop talking in class?

I like turtles.

What happened when you put a relatively simple math question on the board that nobody could answer?

I like turtles.

This could come in very handy.

1 comment:

  1. I went back to this post and watched the video. I hadn't watched it previously. I would not be surprised if this child has autism. His response was irrelevant and he didn't get that. He looked old enough that most typical kids would have "gotten it". Although his eye contact wasn't bad - but not completely typical either. And some kids with autism have fine eye contact. I couldn't find anything that said he has autism when I googled. But I found a few people who said the same thing that I thought immediately. Just an FYI.

    Doesn't mean you shouldn't use the phrase - but I thought it an interesting point to note.
