Monday, October 6, 2008

100th Post

And dear readers, here's what I want for Christmas:

Two way communication! I know some of you have tried to make comments but couldn't. E-mails are fine.

Send me questions. As you go about your day and see things that make you wonder, "What is that like over there?" send those questions to me.


  1. Steve,

    What email do you want us to email to? I've tried catching you on AIM (I figure AIM has to work since you're an AOL user) but havn't seen you on of late.

    BTW, this makes a great daily read, thanks for doing it. :)

    (aim: ndgeist)

  2. Hey Chip -
    My e-mail is

    I thought of making a post: Reader of the day "Chip Thurston".

    I write about possibly getting eatin by a shark and only one friend sends an e-mail...

    Anyhow, writing this is more therapy for me than anything.
