Thursday, October 16, 2008

The price of oil

If there's an upside to financial panic it is that the price of oil has dropped from a high in July of $147/barrel to under $80 today.  Why?  Financial panic leads to economic downturns which leads to less oil consumed.

My sister Miriam e-mailed to say she paid $2.53/gallon yesterday.

Here's a great website to follow gas prices around the country:  Gasbuddy.  Iowa does pay relatively lower gas prices.

I hope the price of oil doesn't drop too much, my raise next year depends on it!  (And my blog readership has now dropped to two.)


  1. TWO?

    Just because not everyone is blogging doesn't mean we're not reading it.

    And I don't want to talk about you being there next year.

    By the way, Michele and I went to see Religulous last night and it was really funny and a little disturbing. I'm guessing that movie won't be showing there.

  2. Steve
    You are still at three. I've been reading all along I just don't respond. Plus I don't discuss politics.
