Friday, October 31, 2008

Political update, Halloween edition

1. The McCain campaign is "dead even" with Obama in Iowa. You read that right. Dead even. In Iowa! You can even read about at the liberal network NBC. Those polls showing Obama up by 10, 11, or 15 points are meaningless. If it wasn't close why is Obama in the state today?
2. Even Jay Leno and David Letterman want to see John McCain elected.
3. The polls are tightening! The polls are tightening! Well, just one, but it's a good one: Rasmussen. He has McCain only down by four and pulling the highest percentage since early September.
Don't forget yesterday's Fox poll that shows that Obama's nine point lead last week is down to three!
With that kind of momentum McCain will win by a larger share than Bush did in 2004.
4. Read this leak from the Obama campaign:
According to this leak, Obamas campaign think MO, NC, NV, CO, all outside their reach. Only IA, MN, PA, true battleground. They trail in OH, but "hope" they can still get OH!!
The MSM (that's Main Stream Media for all you non-blogging folks) will do whatever it can to get Obama elected. Don't believe the polls. Where are those polls' headquarters? New York, Chicago, and D.C. Of course they will have a liberal bias!
I'm from rural Iowa. My daddy owns a shot gun and pick up truck. You don't get any more real American than that.
There's no way real America will support the leftist, socialist, communist from the Chicago machine politics.
Update: McCain takes the lead in Zogby's poll. Remember, Zogby is a Democrat. It must be killing the Obamabots to be losing this! They can't deny the truth when it comes from one of their own.


  1. Ah. I get it - you dressed up as a Republican for Halloween. Great act!

  2. No comment, other than I hope I get to buy you dinner in January.
