Saturday, October 18, 2008

The real debate

"Is Obama the anti-Christ or simply a representative of the anti-Christ.


I'm tellin' ya, you can't miss Hannity's blog!


  1. Wow. Just when I think he can't sink any lower... and then he does.

    I think Sean Hannity has a different Bible than I do!

  2. Okay, I went on Hannity's site and started reading. I read the thread about "has your child been called a racist?" in regards to not voting for Obama.

    I guess I realized there are people who felt this way - but I don't know if I can ever go back on. The amount of hate and blatant racism in just that one thread was enough to make me want to throw up. And the completely ironic thing was that they didn't GET that they were being racist! They thought they were being "above that". I don't know how you stomach reading it.

    Yes, it's a Friday night and I'm reading Hannity's blog. Clearly I need to get a life or I'm going to reach top geek level soon - just like you! :)
