Thursday, October 16, 2008


Early on I planned for this blog to be about experiences in the middle east.  It is, of course, but I have added politics and other topics I find interesting.  Why?  Two reasons:

1.  It's my blog and I can write what I want to!
2.  I think I'm down to about five readers, so who cares?  If a blog falls in the forest and nobody is around does it really make a sound?


The dollar has had quite a rally.  It has made up everything it lost vs. the euro in the past year.  Basically, the world markets are saying europe  is more screwed than the US.  How's that for brightening your day?  I pay close attention to the value of the dollar because I live in a country where the currency is tied to the dollar.  If the dollar goes up the value of the dirham goes up.  Since EVERYTHING is imported to this country a stronger dollar means the 10%+ inflation should moderate.  Hopefully.


Robby says two waters and a Coke cost him $3.50.  He's the only person who replied to that question... one more reason to believe I'm down to five three readers.

Per Karey's (one of my three remaining readers) request I will take some pictures of my wonderful new apartment and get them up soon.

And finally, William Cooey could have been me.  And y'all could have cut the article from the Gazette and told people you knew me!

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