Thursday, October 30, 2008

This is awkward

Backstory: While I was in college a HOBY friend who was active ROTC shockingly died of a heart attack at the age of 20. I attended the wake and funeral. I had known Kirk for two years and had previously met his HS and college friends. At the wake there was this incredible outpouring of people who seemed to be his best friend. Kirk was a great guy but I thought to myself, "Who are these people?"

Fast forward to this week. One of my fellow new colleagues who was also placed in this crappy new apartment building died of a heart attack. I had only spoken to him once because during our first six weeks he wasn't with us in the Hilton, he lived at the Intercontinental, aka Shelbyville. A fellow Shelbyviller posted signs around our building inviting us to "A brunch in celebration of Brian's life."

That's all well and good. I'd like to think that if I died someone would do that for me... but I didn't plan to go. From everything I've heard Brian was a great guy. I simply didn't know him.


This afternoon a woman from HR called me.

HR person: Hello, Steve. Have you heard about the brunch in memory of Brian?

Me: Yes.

HR person: Would you be willing to send an e-mail to all of the new faculty and staff letting them know about it?

Me: Umm, why me?

HR person: I was going to send it but our HR director says it can't come from this office because it's not an official university event.

Me: OK. Maybe this should come from the guy planning the event.

HR person: I will forward you the e-mail addresses of all of the new people. Will you send the announcement?

Me: I'm still not sure why it would be coming from me, but yeah, sure, I'll send it.

And, of course, I sent it.

Now I have no choice but to go to this gathering tomorrow. Someone will be sitting there saying, "Where's that Steve guy who sent the invitation?"

I have one more reason to avoid this luncheon: It's the place I got food poisoning when I arrived.

1 comment:

  1. Don't eat anything.

    Also, was Kirk from Arlington? We may have another weird connection here.
