Friday, October 24, 2008

Fred Thompson

The McCain campaign is running a web ad showing Fred Thompson endorsing McCain and explaining why Obama would be a bad president.  The endorsement and ad aren't that interesting; the fact it looks like Fred is sitting in the oval office is fascinating.  I wonder how many Republicans will see this and wonder how this election would be different if they had only nominated Thompson.  I know of at least one of my blog readers who wishes it had been Thompson...
Personally, I'll always wonder how things would have been different if the McCain of 2000 was running and not the McCain of 2008.


  1. And I'll always wonder what would have happened if the Supreme Court had ruled for Gore in 2000. Or, if the "hanging chads" had gone the other way. Or if they had realized that Pat Buchanan could NOT have gotten the number of votes he had in Florida... Sigh. And my neighbor (who is Republican) had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned any of the above. I started to feel like a political geek after talking to her - but I prefer to call it "well-informed"!

  2. I wonder if the McCain of 2000 would've selected the hockey mom as his VP choice.
