Saturday, October 25, 2008

Political roundup

11 days and counting.
According to the Register even Republican analysts can't understand why McCain/Palin is spending so much time in Iowa.
As the Bush Sr. campaign slowly ground its way to defeat in 1992 Mary Matalin never waivered. She remained loyal to the end while other aides were sending out resumes before the first vote was cast. Apparently there are no Matalins in the McCain inner circle. Another story is titled, "GOP forms circular firing squad."
It doesn't get any better than this: Who was the highest paid campaign aid for McCain/Palin in September? A make-up artist.
As one disgusted Republican wrote on Hannity's forum board: "I think they are trying to lose."
And finally, there's this youtube about a vet who did not vet.
Update: From the scratching my head department: In Sioux City Governor Palin said, "I don’t know what to think of having in my family Uncle Barney Frank or others to make decisions for me."
Huh? I doubt she's trying to say that like Newt, Cheney, and Alan Keyes she has a gay family member. Perhaps she was simply refering to the out congressman as "uncle" as part of the code words Republicans use when talking to each other.

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