Friday, October 24, 2008

From the department of over-hyped

Sorry for the post promising a story that will knock your socks off... and I apologize for not posting yesterday. This story did shock me but I way, way over promised on this one. Now that I hope I've lowered the bar...

The story: In class one of my students said she had an American professor who told her class she couldn't vote for Obama. Why? Obama's father was Muslim. The student claimed the professor went on to say, "You wouldn't want a Christian ruling this nation, would you?" Another student in the class backed up the first student's story.

All of us teaching here work in a Muslim country and at a Muslim university. That anyone working here could harbor such prejudice is scary.

Again, I know I oversold the story. I'll chalk it up to being new to the blogging world.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's just sad. You should seek out the professor and see if that's really what she meant.
