Monday, July 27, 2009

Thought for the day - Hillary

I'm trying to grade while watching Hillary on Sunday's Meet The Press. (So much for focus.)

She's impressive. It reminded me of why I supported her early on before I switched to Obama. I can only wonder, however, how the health care debate might be different if Hillary were still in the senate. More than one news story made it clear that one of the reasons she accepted the Secretary of State offer was that her colleagues in the senate weren't willing to give her a position of power. In this health care fight Baucus and Dodd may be heavyweights within the senate but they certainly don't hold the firepower (or lightning rod) of Clinton.

I do wonder how this would be playing out if she were still a senator.

Update: Yep, can't focus. I forgot to mention that during the campaign Hillary's plan was better than Obama's. I won't bore you with details but this issue alone almost made me support her.


  1. I remember you saying this. I want all the juicy details too if you're willing to share!

  2. I would like the details as well. I was reading an article today and its got me a little worried about healthcare reform. Who knows how accurate this is but take a look if you like.
