Sunday, July 26, 2009

At least there was the cake

I spoke with several people before I finally reached the clerk that handles payroll. My pay will be processed on Wednesday, en shala, or Thursday. I leave for the US on Tuesday.

So how much will I be getting paid? "Oh we haven't calculated that yet."


  1. And under what circumstance would you do the same thing here in the US? Would you? You would?

    Hey Steve, I have a deck that needs to be washed and stained. I'll pay you. Some time. Some amount. Maybe.

  2. The housing people here were evil. They lied to us and screwed us. Many very deservedly lost their jobs.

    This is more a case of bad communication. It's like the right hand doesn't have a clue where the left hand is... let alone what the left hand is doing.
