Friday, May 1, 2009

Alliant: Simply amazing

I am sympathetic to energy companies. The prices for their inputs fluctuate wildly. If you sold gas and could only change your price when the government allowed you to you would have gone bankrupt last summer as the wholesale price of gas skyrocketed.

That said, Alliant makes me sick.

Alliant made a profit last year. Since then every cost of every input has gone down. From the price of the wind turbines they buy to the cost of the coal that is used to make over half of Iowa's energy. The price of every input is lower. And what does Alliant want? A 17% increase in rates. Back in March I wrote that the ONE political appointment I've ever wanted is the Iowa utilities board.

The Gazette has a story today that nine customers complained about the increase. Nine. I can call some friends and have nine show up to oppose mink hunting(along as I promise free beer afterwards.) Only nine people are upset about a 17% increase?

Where are the tea baggers on this one? If Obama said, "All Alliant energy customers will pay 17% more" there would be rioting on the streets. Nah, this isn't partisan. This is polite Iowans accepting as “fact” a once Iowa company telling them, "Sorry, we have to raise your rates this much." Iowans are just too polite to protest that.

That's why I want the job. I won't protest someone over charging me, but I am a much better advocate arguing for others.

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