Monday, May 4, 2009

The Hamilton diet

A friend and former colleague e-mailed me yesterday. She's still working at Hamilton (now Kaplan) and she's miserable. She's getting called in and written up for ridiculous and petty things <-- a feeling I understand too well.

Thinking about her situation for the past 24 hours has tied my stomach in knots. I didn't eat lunch and didn't even realize it until tonight. It's not surprising I lost weight working there and have gained since I've been here. I no longer wonder from one day to the next if I'll have a job. The attitude of "I'm going to screw you just so you know I'm boss" is nicely missing here. I don't have to say to students, "Ok, here's what you need to do... but you can't tell anyone you heard this from me or I'll get in trouble."

I miss my old colleagues. They were a great group. It's too bad the place is ruled by the dark side of the force.


  1. And yet I recall somewhere in this blog where you said that HR has made up stories for you all ("Lehman Brothers") and you're supporting a country that will not report an official temperature over 50 C because that would mean they'd have to send home the slaves, er, lower caste, er, whatever you call them.

  2. Oh i remember those days of fun and excitement... i more gained weight as i ate constantly to dull the pain of those around me.
