Sunday, May 17, 2009

The caffeine cycle

I've heard it said many times, "If caffeine were discovered today it would be a controlled substance. It has a greater affect on the body than most drugs.

While I haven't experimented with too many drugs I do know I love caffeine. It makes the day a little brighter, boring meetings pass by a little faster and I know I accomplish more (in the short term.)

The problem - and all caffeine addicts can relate to this - is the buildup. Two Cokes is all I need. In a couple of days it will be four Cokes. Before long I'm downing two pots of coffee before noon. Caffeine no longer has any of the positive effects, it simply keeps me moving in a zombie state.

So, periodically I will purge myself of the dreaded drug. Cold turkey comes with nasty side effects: a throbbing headache, nausea, and odd sleep patterns.

This weekend was another purge for me. Because I was only doing a six pack of Coke Zero and a few cups of coffee a day this purge wasn't as bad as many in the past. I basically slept for three days and took aspirin.

Now, with the caffeine gone I'm back to drinking water. Yippee! I'll limit myself to one Zero a day for the next week. Of course, I will cycle back up and within a month I'll be back to where I was a week ago...


  1. I'm proud of you! You can do this! You will feel soooo much better! Do I sound like a CD counselor? Hoping your sleep straightens out and you can really feel the benefits and not want to go back!

  2. Wow Steve! That's a LOT of caffeine. I was feeling bad because I occasionally have a 3rd Diet Coke in a day. I don't drink coffee at all.

    When I moved out East after grad school, I completely went off caffeine. That first week was hard - but changing my environment helped me change my behavior. Then, I stayed off caffeine almost completely (only mixing Diet Coke with the occasional brandy!) for about 12 years. When we were getting ready to sell our old house - I started drinking Diet Coke again because I was getting little sleep and having to do a ton of work. I would like to get off it again - but not sure how considering all I have to do!

    Can you just imagine how much money you would save if you only drank 1 Coke a day? Maybe I'm in the minority - but I think four Cokes a day and two pots of coffee is probably not good for your system. Moderation, my friend, is the key word here!

  3. In terms of Coke I've cut way back. In college I averaged 10 per day. I took a Coke to EVERY class. If it was a Tuesday-Thursday 90 minute class I'd take two.

    As for the expense, Coke is cheap compared to juices. Coffee is much cheaper but here the coffee is Nescafe - which sucks. I can go to Starbucks and pay $4 for a coffee, which I do in desperation.

  4. Eh... I still want to know if your sleep was any better w/o the caff.

    I gave up caffine when I gave up alcohol and cigarettes. I didnt sleep any better and I was an unbearable bitch.

    But I am one of those people who drinks a diet coke right before bed.

  5. Well, as I commented in an earlier post, it is no wonder you haven't been able to sleep and have to take sleeping pills. Kinda ridiculous, isn't it?

    As anyone who knows me knows, I am totally addicted to Pepsi. Straight up Pepsi. I probably drink 2 cases / week. In fact, and I do NOT say this with any pride, I am known to live on cigarettes and Pepsi on occasion. Not the healthiest diet, but that's a long story. I rarely have any trouble sleeping (even prior to my current health situation) and have never gone through any withdrawal during any hospitalization, etc., (altho DisneyWorld being all Coke was a nasty experience). In fact, Coke keeps me awake. I do not drink coffee. So maybe I am not one to preach to the choir.

    BUT, knowing what you KNOW caffeine does to you, why would you want to put yourself through the no sleep, going through withdrawal, etc., all over again? It just doesn't make sense to me. And to say you have cut back from 10 Cokes a day when you were a student is ridiculous. You have simply replaced them with 2 pots of caffeinated coffee!!!!
