Saturday, May 16, 2009

Staycation: Why the US will recover before the rest of the world

There are economic reasons why the US will recover faster than the rest of the world: Principally, our government understands how bad it is and many (Germans in particular) have their heads in the sand.

But I think the main reason we will recover is based in our resiliency as a people. Rather than cry in our beer we make shit up to make us feel better. Case in point: Staycation.

Millions of Americans can't afford to travel this summer. In reality they couldn't afford a vacation the past few summers either, but that second mortgage on the house helped paper over that problem.

So, since we can't travel we have to stay at home. A vacation at home. We'll call it a "staycation". There are lots of tips on how to have the best staycation possible here and here.

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