Saturday, May 23, 2009

Blog of the week - Desparadise

A group of guys in their mid-twenties are writing an anonymous blog of the events of their lives. It's pretty crude but some parts are very funny.

I know one of the writers. I often tell the story of his trips to the Happy Hour Health Spa during the spring of his senior year at Coe. Now you can read it for yourself.

Unfortunately, my friend left out the best part of the story: The prices for services.


  1. Thank you for the kind words, Steve. Along with crude I would say it's tacky, tastless, and uninformed. I honestly don't remember the prices. I would have for sure put that in. Do you remember?

  2. My memory of prices comes from two sources: You and a guy that actually used option #1.

    Hand: $50
    Oral: $75
    Full sex: $120 - 150.

    I believe the price difference on full sex was the length of time allowed.

  3. Or length of unit maybe? Discount per inch I say!

    -another anonymous 20 something you know
