Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sadly, dieciséis de Septiembre doesn't have a nice ring to it

Hoy es cinco de mayo. That's about all the Spanish I remember, but really, cinco de mayo is nothing. It's just the day the Mexicans started kicking out the Spanish. Big deal. We don't celebrate the first day we shot a Brit. We celebrate July 4, the day we declared independence.

Well, Mexico's independence day is the 16th of September... which also happens to be my birthday. Do Americans use that day to order giant margaritas? Noooo...

I think all of this a grand conspiracy to create a party in May. Cinco de mayo rolls off the tongue while dieciséis de septiembre just doesn't.

So my birthday gets screwed out of a perfectly good tequilla loving party simply because it is hard to say.

Such is my life.

Update: Kurt is right. It was the French, not the Spanish who got kicked out on May 5. My original point stands: The celebration should be on dieciséis de septiembre my birthday. My birthday! Stomping feet, face red.

Perhaps, I'm just upset that I live in a country with no good margaritas on cinco de mayo.


  1. Not to be too picky, but the Mexicans kicked some French ass on May 5th, not Spanish.

  2. No access to margaritas would totally be a deal breaker for me.

  3. I will drink a margarita on your birthday if it would make you feel better!
