Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The opposition needs marketing help

If this is the best the anti-gay marriage forces can come up with, we might just be alright. Honestly, I don't understand this phrase. Is it trying to say that Iowa doesn't let people smoke cigarettes?

Maine adopted gay marriage today. I think we should consider a new slogan. Iowa: the trendsetter.


  1. Yes, the term fag is a British (i think) term used for cigarette. I agree with trendsetter! What a snowball effect we are seeing, long overdue. Also, bacon mints are HORRIBLE. The smell alone is scary.

  2. You can smoke cigarettes IF you can find a place where it is allowed. No more restaurants, bars, public buildings, within so many feet of many places, etc. Many bar owners are NOT happy. Many have defied the law and been charged. Now, I believe, the law has gone back to Des Moines for further review as there have been so many complaints.

    As a smoker, I have no problem going to a restaurant and not smoking. If I were a bar patron who spent an evening in my favorite pub, I would be offended if I couldn't have a cigarette in the dead of winter w/o going outside.

    Pretty soon they will close public bathrooms for fear they spread disease - which I am sure some do, but it would be smarter to pass cleanliness/disinfectant laws.
