Monday, November 3, 2008

Thought for the day

Obama faced nut-case Alan Keyes to win his senate seat in 2004.  It was an easy 70% - 27% victory.

What if he had faced Mike Ditka instead?


  1. It certainly would have been tougher than Alan Keyes. But honestly? Ditka couldn't have kept his mouth shut and he would have made some major gaffes. Obama is really popular in Illinois (my home state) - even though my parents don't think so. Of course, they think Sarah Palin is "such a nice girl" too!

    At that point in 2004, I doubt ANY Republican (even possibly including Reagan in his heyday) could have won in Illinois. There was a HUGE scandal with the governor (who was Republican at that time) and people were VERY ticked off at the Republicans. I may be stretching here, but I think Dukakis could have won the election if he was the Democratic candidate. People in Illinois were very anti-Republican. I remember saying to my parents that Illinois would probably not vote for a Republican again for another 20 years because they were so mad. Illinois will be blue for a long time, I think!

  2. I had forgotten about Governor Ryan. The current Democratic Governor has his own ethical issues. Has Illinois become the modern day Louisiana?

  3. Pretty much. It's pretty corrupt and always has been. Sorry to say but Mayor Daley isn't exactly an angel! Chicago politics has always been very corrupt. Ever wonder why the roads are so bad in Illinois? The mob has many ties to construction and gets many, many kickbacks. They slow things down so they get more money!

    I'm not planning on moving back there any time soon - let me tell you! Illinois politics are very difficult to understand unless you live there - and I don't want to!
