Sunday, November 16, 2008

What's in a name?

Blogging will be light the next few days as grading 222 exams is time consuming.  Because I want to know how they did on the first midterm and the make-up I'm grading them both.  That's 444 exams, oh joy.

Grading them took several hours this weekend.  Putting them in the spreadsheet is more time consuming.

Why?  In the U.S. we have a first and last name.  Here they have a first name, a middle name, a last name, a tribal last name, a second tribal last name... you get the picture.  The name a student writes on the paper rarely matches the name on the class roster. 

The roster (provided by the university) is in alphabetical order by last name.

The problem?  Which last name do you use?

I spent two hours tonight putting grades in excel and I have headache.

Even the first names are redundant.  I have multiple Abdullahs, Mohammeds and Khalifas in every male class; multiple Mariams, Sheikas and Fatimas in the female classes.

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