Sunday, November 2, 2008

Egyptian sheets

Gwen visited friends back in Cairo this weekend.  She asked if I wanted anything in return.  I said Egyptian sheets.  I've heard so many people talk about how magnificent they are.  I wanted the sheets.

Gwen asked for specifics and headed off to Egypt.  She returned tonight with my sheets.  Total price in dollars? 204.

These are great sheets.  Easily the best sheets I've ever had.... that's the most I can do to defend them.  Did I really spend $204 on sheets?

It's gonna take a lot of cheap gas and McD's value meals to make up for the difference on this one.


  1. Wow. $204 for sheets. That's just a little less than what i spend on groceries for a month for a family of four. And both my kids eat almost as much as adults.

    But, if I didn't have to worry about money because I lived in a foreign country and most things are really cheap and I had a lot of disposable income - well, I'm sure I could indulge too... :P

    Sorry, did I write that out loud?

  2. Okay - well then that is what I want for my gift. Egyptian sheets. (Just kidding!)

    I'm sure they're amazing - I just can't imagine spending $204 for them!

  3. I've been told by a couple of people that the best thing about them is that they will last forever.
    At home I sleep on the same black sheets I purchased in college. They've lasted 20 years and they cost $10.
    It probably helps that I never wash them.
