Friday, March 19, 2010


So this week has not been the best for the diet: On Sunday I ate two pounds of hamburger. On Tuesday I ate three pieces of pizza and even a few bites of ice cream. (It's not the calories of pizza or ice cream that make them evil, it's the carbs... it can create hunger later on. Fortunately for me, it did not.)

For the rest of the week I've been pretty good. I have even done three workouts. After paying for a gym membership in September I went twice and stopped going.

I've been good about avoiding temptations: No beer, no Reese's, no french fries, etc. But today I came across this old picture:

I have to admit I want to make this again. Here's how I described it last fall:
"What you see above is corn on top of pork chop gravy on top of bacon-cheddar mashed potatoes with pieces of pork chop mixed in."


  1. Oh man that looks good. When are you coming home again? And if I buy the ingredients, how many times can I beg you to cook?

  2. I have a website for you,
    Isaiah has a allergy to gluten and dairy and recently we discovered he feels better without refined sugar. This website offers high protein, low carb options using things like coconut flour, almond meal, coconut sugar and agave. The almond muffins are great. There is also another who uses sugar substitutes for high protein low carb food. The choc chip cookies are good. It's not like bakery good, but it helps if you need a little sugar taste. Don't know if you can get the ingredents there but thought I'd share. FYI- the flours are pricey.
    Hope this finds you well!

  3. Just as disgusting looking now as it was back then.

  4. Denise - If I am home for three months I will be cooking a lot... you would always be welcome. With fresh potatoes, sweet corn, tomatoes, etc. from Mom & Dad's and farmers' markets I can kiss the low carb diet goodbye. So I had better lose my weight now and hope I don't go too far overboard when I'm back home.

    Cari - Thanks for the links. I, too, feel much better being off the refined sugars! The even-keel feeling while doing low carb is the best part of the diet.

